A Creative Digital Marketing Agency in Nepal

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Who Are We?

Swopna Digital Is a creative digital marketing agency in Nepal. Based in Kathmandu, we provide numerous digital marketing services including SEO, Infographics, Motion graphics, SEM (Google Adwords), Content Strategy and so on. We take an integrated approach to leverage online channels for a better marketing campaign.

SEO & Website Design

Without SEO, your website creates no value. SEO services that generates results – not just traffic, but profit as well.


Graphic Design

Remember us for all sorts of graphic design services like logo design, flyers, brochures including social media designs.


Pay Per Click (PPC)

Run powerful google adwords advertisement and only get targeted customers through search.


2D Animation Videos

2D Animation Videos like explainer videos, whiteboard animations and much more. A great tool for promotion as well.


Online Branding

Branding goes much beyond than just a logo and color. A brand is the promise to your customer. Take your online brand to the next level.


Content Strategy

Take your content marketing to the whole next level. Through strategy and frameworks, we do it differently.


Our Work Approach

Everyone approaches digital marketing differently. Here's how we streamline our process of working with clients.


Client's Requirements

Getting to know client’s needs is vital to success.


Concept Development

Before starting any projects, we brainstorm the concepts and plan accordingly.


Get The Team Ready

A team of specialists tailored to the client’s needs.


Analyze Every Steps

Guessing is a thing of past. We analyze and measure success.

As a business owner, you might find it daunting to think about why choose digital over traditional marketing. Here are few reasons to focus on digital marketing instead.

Data Analytics

Analytics tools like “Google Analytics” have made it possible to analyze data about customers, their behaviors and engagements.

All the data are real time, which seemed out of the world before the internet.

This way, marketing strategies these days tend to work better.

All the necessary adjustments don’t take much time because we get data in real time.

No need to spend a fortune on surveys or research.

Data remains at the heart of “Digital Marketing”

Inbound Marketing Wins

This is the world of inbound marketing.

Instead of the traditional form of Advertisements, consumers demand content these days.

Basically, creating great and high-quality content attracts the customers in itself.

Instead of radio, TVs, there are podcasts, blogs and videos.

And, then there is SEO.

When your website is SEO optimized, you are not searching for customers. Rather, they are searching for you.

Inbound is where digital marketing has it’s edge.


Why Digital Marketing?

Attention is shifting towards digital channels.

Few decades ago or so, people used to like billboards. Nobody sees billboards anymore. Even if they see it, no one appreciates.

Because, in the digital world, attention is shifting radically.

Mobile Applications, Google searches, Websites and Social Media are where the attention is.

Digital channels understand people better. In turn, terms like “permission marketing” and “inbound marketing” have emerged.

Get in front of people only when they want it and like it.

In return, customers will provide you their attention.


Digital takes personalization to the next level.

Basically, there are almost every forms of targeting that we can think of.

Be it location, user behavior or profession.

Since digital marketing is data driven, we have huge amounts of data collected about a large customer base.

And, that happens every seconds of the day.

Companies like Google and Facebook have made it a lot easier for startup business like us to leverage data.

Better targeting for a better marketing campaign.

Get on customers mind

Our Clients And Partners

Step By Step Reporting

Reporting is an important aspect of digital marketing service.

Sometimes, reporting alone can make a drastic difference in an organization’s online marketing success.

We, at Swopna Digital take reporting seriously.

Not only we make our reports clear and simple, we try to take it a little further.

We try to explain our clients everything about their business through step-by-step reporting.


1 On 1 Consulting

In order to understand a client’s need, we need to understand their business.

It’s not possible without consulting.

We believe that consultation works both way.

Whether it be before working with clients or after we started working for them, we regularly meet clients and try to understand them properly.

A lot of people in Nepal have unclear or misguided information about digital marketing or SEO.

Through consultation, we answer every of client’s queries.


Professional Service & Delivery

Expect only professional service from us.

Everything from consultation to reporting, we take care so that a professionalism is maintained.

Whether it be to call for your needs or to ask information, expect professional behavior from us.


Real Business Benefits

We don’t just use digital marketing for reach and attention.

Of course, these are important.

However, we assist every of our client’s for real business benefits.

And, we educate them about the marketing funnels and where they are in terms of the funnel.

We try to do everything to make sure that customers of our clients convert at the right time.

So that, they get the real financial benefits.


Dedication is at the heart of every works that we deliver.

Might sound like cliche.

But, we believe in pouring out every energy that we have in order to help our clients achieve success online.

Time + Energy + Money  = Results

That’s why, we dedicate all 3 valuable resources for our clients.

Other Online Marketing Areas

As we are a full fledged digital marketing agency, we have specialized knowledge on many aspects of online marketing.

Online Marketing is huge.

And, soon it becomes overwhelming to manage and organize every pieces together.

We, at Swopna Digital, make it easy for clients to organize everything together.

Through regular consultations and recommendations, we make it easy for them to create overall marketing strategy.

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